What is the Apparent Edge? Partnerships and Access to Co-GP Opportunities.

Over our 20 years in real estate investment, we’ve developed trusted relationships with industry partners who know and respect the experience we bring to the table. Our partners understand how they can leverage the lessons we’ve learned from closing hundreds of deals, our capacity to raise capital quickly and efficiently, and our strong balance sheet to strengthen any deal. 

Our long-standing partnerships also provide our investors with a significant benefit: unique access to Co-GP opportunities. In exchange for raising and contributing capital, much like a general partner (GP) would, we receive equity partner status and a higher return than a typical retail investor or a limited partner. This Co-GP arrangement offers Apparent investors an enhanced economic advantage. We call it the “Apparent Edge”. 

We regard these Co-GP opportunities as the highest and best use of our private capital allocations, and we’re committed to building on the “Apparent Edge” in multiple ways as we grow our company. We are continually expanding our roster of Co-GP partnerships worldwide, providing our investors with ever-increasing access to the enhanced economics of the “Apparent Edge.”

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